Many people equate success with money, but quite a few individuals who are widely regarded as successful hold a different opinion. Warren Buffet once said, “When you get to my age, you’ll really measure your success in life by how many of the people you want to have love you actually do love you. That’s the ultimate test of how you have lived your life.” Maya Angelou defined success as “liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”
What about you? How would you define true success? Let’s talk about how you can create your roadmap to success.
Setting Goals for Success
The first step on your journey to success is pinpointing what success looks like to you. It may relate to your personal life, your health, your business, or your financial aspirations. Ultimately, though, it may be about happiness. In fact, a survey from Strayer University found that 90% of people believe that success is more about happiness than it is about power, positions, or prestige.
Once you seriously consider what you believe will make you successful, it’s time to set measurable and concrete goals. Periodically evaluate your progress toward those goals to determine whether you feel you are on the path to something that will make you feel successful. You might even find out that the journey itself, and not your goals, is what gives you the most fulfillment.
Making Adjustments
After you embark on your way to achieving your idea of success, you might run into some surprises and speed bumps along the way. That’s okay. You are likely to learn much about yourself and what you want, and you can make adjustments accordingly.
You might also benefit if you have a supportive network of people who are there to help you navigate the twists and turns on your journey. Friends and family can provide emotional support, inspiration, and practical suggestions. You may even decide to partner with a professional coach who can assist you with making necessary changes in your career.
Conrad Hilton once said, “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.” Success may be easier to achieve than most people think!